quick reads

After a long time spent away from an active participation in 'organised fandom', of any kind, I thought I'd dip my toe back into it by trying out some recent publications.

The Lovecraft Annual for 2023 is the first of the Annuals I've read in a long time but I quickly found myself losing patience with all the footnotes and references from/to previous published articles. Nothing wrong with that? Well all of them seem to refer back to S.T Joshi and most of them are articles that can only be found in obscure (dare I say 'eldritch'?) fanzines from another continent 40 years ago (i.e early 80s issues of 'Crypt of Cthulhu', whatever that might be!).

This may feel like quibbling. Joshi is, after all, pretty much the world's foremost HPL scholar. But surely there are other viewpoints out there which essayists can rely upon to back up their arguments?

The most accessible article was one on the world of HPL t-shirts, which I was surprised to find is an extremely wide field. It was fun, although mainly due to the slogans and juxtapositions the t-shirts themselves throw up rather than anything about the essay itself (written in a very academic tone) per se.

I confess I skimmed through most of the Annual and turned instead to another purchase, the latest issue of The Watsonian, dedicated to not Sherlock Holmes but his esteemed colleague and biographer.

Alas, this too proved far from the meaty read I was hoping for, consisting largely of articles about (and a rather tedious email-interview with the star of) a new dramatised podcast featuring (yawn) a modern-day Holmes and Watson. Apparently this show is very popular. What can I say, if others enjoy it, fine, but this is not for me. There wasn't much else in the issue to grab me neither.

Am I going to have to join the Sherlock Holmes Society of London again and start reading the Sherlock Holmes Journal? (ha ha) In terms of Lovecraftian scholarship, a perusal of Amazon seems to suggest that most recent works dwell on his racism (yawn) so it might be a while before I dip my toes back into those waters again.


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